1. Lotus - Payments Page analytics app dashboard design finance app finance dashboard finance management finance page minimal payment page savings app transaction ui ux web
    View Lotus - Payments Page
    Lotus - Payments Page
  2. Lotus - My Cards Page analytics app dashboard design finance finance app finance dashboard finance management finance page financial dashboard minimal savings app ui ux
    View Lotus - My Cards Page
    Lotus - My Cards Page
  3. Lotus - Finance Dashboard analytics app dashboard design exchange finance finance app finance dashboard finance platform minimal savings ui ux web
    View Lotus - Finance Dashboard
    Lotus - Finance Dashboard
  4. Stella - Employee Dashboard analytics analytics app app chart clean dashboard design employee dashboard hr app hr dashboard hr management human resource minimal performance ui ux
    View Stella - Employee Dashboard
    Stella - Employee Dashboard
  5. Stella - Payroll Dashboard analytics app dashboard design employee hr app hr dashboard hr management minimal payroll app payroll dashboard payslip ui ux web
    View Stella - Payroll Dashboard
    Stella - Payroll Dashboard
  6. Stella - HR Management Dashboard admin admin dashboard analytics app dashboard design employee hr hr app hr dashboard hr management hrd management management dashboard minimal ui ux web app
    View Stella - HR Management Dashboard
    Stella - HR Management Dashboard
  7. Edusphere - Online Learning Platform πŸ“š app course course dashbaord couse app dashboard design e learning e learning dashboard education dashboard learning app learning dashboard minimal modern online course online platform ui ux
    View Edusphere - Online Learning Platform πŸ“š
    Edusphere - Online Learning Platform πŸ“š
  8. Holocare⁺ - Medical Landing Page πŸ’Š app clinic landing page clinic website design health landing page health website landing page medical medical app medical landing page medical website minimal ui ux web
    View Holocare⁺ - Medical Landing Page πŸ’Š
    Holocare⁺ - Medical Landing Page πŸ’Š
  9. Holocare⁺ - Medical Dashboard πŸ’Š app dashboard design health app health dashboard medic app medic dashboard medical medical dashboard minimal ui ux
    View Holocare⁺ - Medical Dashboard πŸ’Š
    Holocare⁺ - Medical Dashboard πŸ’Š
  10. Skandivie - Collection πŸͺ‘ app design furniture furniture interior furniture landing page furniture web inner page interior interior web landing page minimal ui ux web
    View Skandivie - Collection πŸͺ‘
    Skandivie - Collection πŸͺ‘
  11. Skandivie - Furniture Landing Page πŸͺ‘ app design furniture furniture interior furniture landing page interior interior landing page interior web landing page minimal ui ux web
    View Skandivie - Furniture Landing Page πŸͺ‘
    Skandivie - Furniture Landing Page πŸͺ‘
  12. [Live] HR Management Website app design hiring hr hr app hr landing page hr website live website minimal ui ux web webflow
    View [Live] HR Management Website
    [Live] HR Management Website
  13. Personal Portfolio Landing Page πŸ’» app design landing page minimal personal personal portfolio personal website portfolio landing page portfolio page portfolio website swiss swiss style ui ux web
    View Personal Portfolio Landing Page πŸ’»
    Personal Portfolio Landing Page πŸ’»
  14. Archie. - Finance Consultant Landing Page πŸ’° app design finance finance app finance consultant finance landing page finance website insurance landing page minimal ui ux web website
    View Archie. - Finance Consultant Landing Page πŸ’°
    Archie. - Finance Consultant Landing Page πŸ’°
  15. Promie - Project Management Dashboard πŸ’» app clean dashboard design design minimal project project app project management project management dashboard team management to do trello ui ux
    View Promie - Project Management Dashboard πŸ’»
    Promie - Project Management Dashboard πŸ’»
  16. Oume - Buy/Sell House Landing Page 🏠 apartement app buy home buy house design find home find home app find house find house landing page landing page minimal real estate real estate app ui ux web
    View Oume - Buy/Sell House Landing Page 🏠
    Oume - Buy/Sell House Landing Page 🏠
  17. Cirice - POS Dashboard 🍣 admin admin dashboard cashier cashier app checkout culinary app dashboard menu app minimal point of sales pos app pos dashboard ui ux
    View Cirice - POS Dashboard 🍣
    Cirice - POS Dashboard 🍣
  18. Pocaship - Shipment Landing Page 🚚 app design landing page logistic app logistics minimal shipment shipment app shipment landing page shipment website track tracking app ui ux web
    View Pocaship - Shipment Landing Page 🚚
    Pocaship - Shipment Landing Page 🚚
  19. Pocaship - Shipment Dashboard 🚚 app dashboard dashboard design delivery delivery app design minimal shipment shipment app shipment dashboard track tracking app ui ux
    View Pocaship - Shipment Dashboard 🚚
    Pocaship - Shipment Dashboard 🚚
  20. Wiss - Finance Dashboard πŸ’° app bank banking card dashboard design finance finance app finance dashbaord fintech fintech app minimal payment ui ux wallet
    View Wiss - Finance Dashboard πŸ’°
    Wiss - Finance Dashboard πŸ’°
  21. Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform Landing Page πŸ€– ai ai app ai paltform app artificial intelligence code code app code platform coding coding app coding dashboard design landing page minimal ui ux web
    View Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform Landing Page πŸ€–
    Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform Landing Page πŸ€–
  22. Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform πŸ€– ai ai app app artificial intelligence code code app code platform coding coding app coding platform design minimal ui ux
    View Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform πŸ€–
    Glitty - AI-Powered Coding Platform πŸ€–
  23. Hurang - SaaS Landing Page πŸ’Ό admin dashboard app cards dashboard design employee employee dashboard employee management hr hr dashboard hr management landing page management saas saas landing page ui ux web
    View Hurang - SaaS Landing Page πŸ’Ό
    Hurang - SaaS Landing Page πŸ’Ό
  24. Hurang - HR Management Dashboard πŸ’Ό app dashboard design employee dashboard employee management hr dashboard hr management hrd human resource management minimal ui ux
    View Hurang - HR Management Dashboard πŸ’Ό
    Hurang - HR Management Dashboard πŸ’Ό
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