Card Animation

October 06, 2016

A quick animation I put together in Principle based on Tom's product card.

Product Card 3 - Discover PayPal

October 05, 2016

The final of my UI exploration trifecta, and definitely my favorite. I like the idea of having a fixed message mixed with a carousel of examples, as compared to the standard rotating hero carousel (yuck). Perhaps one day, an iteration of...

Product Card 2 - Send Money

October 04, 2016

Second in my micro-explorations, I took a shot at reinvisioning our Send Money page utilizing our new branding and our redesigned app. Maybe Augmented Reality browsers will exist one day, and we can make these pop-out devices for real.

Product Card 1 - PayPal.Me

October 03, 2016

Last week I wanted to do something a little out-of-the-box compared to my usual day-to-day work, so I decided to try my hand at those product cards before I totally missed the boat. There's something liberating about designing for design...