
May 01, 2017

Swish is live! Here is a look at the main swish screen featuring another amazing shot from @∆ Studio–JQ ∆. If you get a chance check it out! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/swisssh/id1228228638?mt=8 (edit: Dribbble removed access to thei...


April 29, 2017

Here is a full look at Swish! Featuring the amazing work from @∆ Studio–JQ ∆ @Steve Wolf and @Ramotion. I am finishing up a few bug fixes and then getting it in the app store! Hope yo all get a chance to try it out.

Swish Shot Detail View

April 27, 2017

Here is a preview of the shot detail view of Swish running in Xcode simulator. If you tap on a card you can open it's detail view to learn more, or see more about it's designer. If you have a dribble account, you will have a Swish accoun...

Swish Appicon

April 27, 2017

Here is the app icon for Swish. Because Swish is Tinder for Dribbble, I wanted the branding to look related to Dribbble, but not by dribbble.


April 27, 2017

I've been building Swish. It's in app store review right now. Swish is Tinder for Dribbble. This is the logo I did for it. Can't wait for you all to try it!