The New H&Co Blog

October 21, 2013

Just launched the redesigned H&Co blog. Thanks to Brian, Brandon, Susan, Chris, Greg, Reed, and Nicole for pitching in on this one: it's got new typography, a new CMS, and six years' worth of content refashioned. http://www.typograp...

Accents in ScreenSmart webfonts

September 05, 2013

More work on the blog. Here's Mercury ScreenSmart in the browser at 14px, featuring a couple of Latin-X accents that we rarely get to use, the s-caron and c-acute. These are included in all of our ScreenSmart webfonts. Screenshot from S...

Small caps in ScreenSmart webfonts

September 05, 2013

Adding a couple of refinements to our blog overhaul: here are small caps, served up to all browsers (even ones that don't support OpenType) using Cloud.typography. This is a screen shot from Safari.

Extended fractions in ScreenSmart webfonts

September 04, 2013

More content making its way into the refreshed site. Hat tip and a free latte to H&Co's Brian Hennings, for using cloud.typography to configure the fonts so that this 1/40000 fraction renders correctly in Mercury ScreenSmart! This i...

Kerning in ScreenSmart webfonts

September 03, 2013

Putting the ScreenSmart fonts through their paces. Here we are at 14 pixels, and both Mercury ScreenSmart and Gotham ScreenSmart Bold are at their best, exhibiting some of the more esoteric (and perverse) kerning pairs that you'll find i...

Mixing ScreenSmart webfonts

September 03, 2013

Another peek at the blog's forthcoming haircut. Thanks to Brian and Brandon for giving the content the typography it deserves: here's Gotham ScreenSmart Bold used to pick out the initials of this text, set in Mercury ScreenSmart.

Cyrillic characters in ScreenSmart webfonts

September 03, 2013

Finally having a chance to take our own webfonts for a spin on Brian and Brandon have been introducing some welcome typographic niceties, amidst a sea of our text family, Mercury ScreenSmart: hiding in here is some Cyrill...

Mercury ScreenSmart

August 01, 2013

FINALLY getting to use our own webfonts, now that Cloud.typography is up! Here's something we're redesigning, using one of my favorite fonts: Mercury ScreenSmart Light, 14/22. Really nice getting to see those thorny bastards like the § a...