Cloudplayer Album View

June 18, 2015

I helped doubleTwist with the design of their new app, CloudPlayer! The album view of CloudPlayer by doubleTwist uses a different approach to using dynamic colors pulled out of artwork. Where many apps use an overwhelmingly strong colo...

CloudPlayer by doubleTwist

June 17, 2015

See some more CloudPlayer goodness here, get the app here. I was delighted to work with my friends at doubleTwist to help them design CloudPlayer, their latest Android app that lets you turn Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive into your ...

doubleTwist for tablets

November 27, 2013

We were so excited to release this, our website isn't even updated yet. I'm very proud to show off what I think is some of my best work yet: a full redesign of doubleTwist for Android phones and tablets. There is a distinct lack of b...

A Neat Thing

May 10, 2012

Just a quick crop of something neat I'm working on. Neat!

Sharing in Doubletwist

May 07, 2012

Someone just asked for in-app sharing of songs, and guess what: working on it. Coming to an Android phone near you soon.

Google Play Button

April 17, 2012

It's a button. I mean, dribbble asked me what I was working on. I was working on a button. So I post a button. Button.

Night Mode (Radium)

April 06, 2012

Tap the clock, and the phone will turn to night mode, its clock dials illuminated by the faint glow of radium-226 One of many images I am preparing for a long blog post detailing the design process of doubleTwist Alarm Clock. (S)AMOLE...

doubleTwist Alarm Clock

March 30, 2012

You know how most alarm apps just kind of suck? They never quite work right. Already being the best player on Android, we decided a perfect companion to our media player would be an alarm clock, so you can wake up to your favorite musi...