Marta Tesoro/Rabbit Town Art, is an illustrator and 2D animator lives with her partner in country Victoria. She has been working on commercials and childrens animated TV Series, corporate animations, pilots and games since 2003 . She was the Animation Supervisor for Shopkins Wild in 2018 (can be found on Netflix), Animation Team lead for a Dsiney animated series "Space Chickens" in 2019 and Assistant Animation Director for "Monster Beach" in 2020. Both Space Chickens and Monster Beach can be viewed on STAN. Working as the illustrator, she has 2 books published by HTAV (History Teachers Association Victoria) and 4 storybooks and a number of e-books for Blake Publishing. Marta enjoys working traditionally as well as digitally and normally combines the two where she traditionally inks then scan and colours in Photoshop.


Member since Mar 2014

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