
Only my best buds are allowed to call me Lukey Poo.

Despite being a designer for 10 years, my exploration in Illustrator has been minimal at best. I've done the odd poster for friends, used live trace, or modified colors, but that's about it.

I started a new role (hey @DockYard!) a few weeks back and decided I wanted to give myself a challenge – learn something new in Illustrator every day. It's been a week since I started and Illustrator is blowing my freaking mind folks.

I'm getting more confident with bezier nonsense, and am quickly working out where options there. Learning to use this powerful tool has already started to level up my UI design work because I can quickly generate assets I would've relied on other people for in the past and apply my own vision to them when needed.

My exploration today was with the Blend tool. I'm giving my MacBook a rest to write this post because that poor thing was putting out around 3.6 roentgens trying to keep up.

I know this isn't perfect. I know that in 6 months time I'll look back at this and quickly spot where I fucked up and what I would do differently. But I want to share because I'm happy with it.


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