
logo grah is a platform Showcasing disparate logo designs and illuminating its process. @logograh on instagram

We communicate fundamental qualities of the organization in the most immediate way using the basic shapes in design be it graphic, interior, product or industrial.

Logo grah mostly work on designing projects which are minimalistic, intuitive , elegant, have a meaning behind it and a story to tell.

Astrology is an ancient science and we at Logo Grah are taking it forward to the modern era. Inspired from the splendid designs achievable with geometric shapes, shapes that form the entire universe, Just as astrology uses the sun sign, moon sign and other signs to form an individualistic unique geometric chart so do logos with basic geometric shapes. The positions of all the signs and the combinations that they form in your chart are unique to you and likewise we create a visual clue that tells a story of the brand’s culture, behavior and values. These are a few of mine

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