Reusable Cup Branding
Recent work: 1 of 3 ideas presented to a Sydney-based business developing a unique and uplifting reusable coffee cup concept. . I love working on these kinds of jobs. Design is a powerful tool to change habit en masse. I often think that one of the reasons why people forget their reusables or have not yet jumped on the bandwagon is because they have a poor relationship with the object. It hasn't grabbed them emotionally, it hasn't become part of their routine or it's 'inconvenient' and doesn't yet easily fit into their lifestyle. Before adding yet another product to the clutter, let's step back and think about how we can tackle some of these obstacles. How do we make this object absolutely irresistible and irreplaceable in the eyes of our target customer? . Living sustainability is more than just replacing our current junk with new objects made of earth-friendly materials. It's really essentially about living with less. It's about loving and committing to the object to the very end of it's lifecycle. The process we go through to develop the branding helps us to put more thought into how we can make these special. I'm not just talking about a logo and nice visuals, but also looking at the product from the bottom up and seeing how we can improve it (and it's impact) as a whole. .