Rob Simpson Allen Associates Case Study Page

Happy to announce the release of my first case study – for Allen Associates.

The case study walks through the process of how I built the front-end for this project – and highlights some key details which you probably wouldn't know about.

I've tried to create case studies in the past and failed, so the approach I took this time was:

✒️ Write most of my content upfront (using Grammarly)
✏️ Drew a really rough wireframe on paper (took about 5 minutes)
🎨 Jumped into Sketch and designed the look and feel I wanted (I didn't get caught up on the finer details as I focus on that when it actually matters – during the build)
🔨 Built the front-end for my case study (which is built using Hugo, templates are powered by content in JSON files and is deployed to Netlify when I push my changes to the master branch in Bitbucket)

I began working on my case studies 3 weeks ago (during evenings and weekends when I had time). I didn't get caught up on trying to make it perfect, instead I plan on adding improvements as I add new case studies.

I plan on releasing my next case study sometime next week, it has some more technical details in it compared to this one so it might be delayed a little bit longer.

In the meantime I hope you enjoy this case study 👍.

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