Addrest App Move to a new place

Take a look at previous shots to get more context on it. So the original idea of Addrest is: "How to avoid a manual change of living address for the U.S. residents and citizens."

As far as we know the U.S. government obligates all non-U.S. citizens to report their new living address in a few days after it's been changed. However, for Americans is not necessary to report about relocations, but there's no convenient way how to maintain their living address actual for services (such as mail, telecom providers, insurances, banks and so on)

That's why the country wastes millions ($ and tons of paper) on sending non-actual correspondence to properties assuming they'll reach a person who's not been living there anymore.

So why does it happen? Because anybody ain't able to "stream" their actual addresses. That's exactly what Address does - keeping data updated for all parties: services, people, government.

A little description of what is it going on this shot:
1. From previous SIGN UP shot, we got how Addrest recognizes your utility bill and put all info together
2. After choosing a new address you'll be invited to revise a list of all services you share your living address with. Some of them may are no longer actual, so why would you want to get a Direct Mail spam from them for instance. You could 'unsubscribe' from any correspondence from any services or turn on the Paper-Less feature
3. After you moved to a new place, hold on for a couple months before moving again (it's sort a protection from frequent address changes)
4. Addrest illustrates your house based on the most common types of properties in your area

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Made together with Mila Shovkoplias

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