Danani - Product Packaging

Website: www.danani.co.in (Buy there products here)

Client Brief: To back to our roots of India where home remedies of nature are the best for health told by our Dadi's & Nani's (Grandmother).

Tag Line: Digestively Yours

About Products
Danani depicts the essence of the love and affection that we devour from our Dadi's and Nani's. We take you back to your roots and make you relive your childhood memories of tasting stolen sweet and sour treats from your grandmother’s kitchen shelf!

Aam Pak - Mango candy
Anardana Goli - Pomegranate seeds candy
Imli Chatkara - Tamarind Candy
Hing Goli - Asafoetida (Hing) & Herbs Candy
Madrasi Saunf - Fennel Seeds Mouth Freshener
Royal Saunf - Fennel Seeds Mouth Freshener

We choose to define every flavour with their individual colours
and with a specific shape cut out for a see through packing of the bottled cans
(eg. Aam Pak with Orangish -Yellow tone & shape of Mango cut out) thereby giving customers sneak peak of the product they are buying, which would help them to identify by look and freshness of the product on the shelf itself. Below is the final take on the logo and packaging of the products.
The packaging visuals were designed to reflect the brand's traditional yet modern looking cans which would enchant the customers who would receive the products at home.

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