All I Got to Show for It


It's been 3 years since I've posted anything on Dribbble. I attribute most of that to the fact that I was pretty content with the work I was doing full-time. Before I moved over to Ally, I NEEDED personal work to be an outlet, but for the last few years, I didn't feel that urge. I'm not saying the work I was doing was super creative or anything, but I was happy to not be on the computer when I got home.

However, 3 years went by and I don't really have much to show for it. I've since moved on and joined the team over at Passport and in that transition I finally had a project go live ( It's got some weird marketing on it and some odd dev stuff going on, but it finally made it out into the world. If anything, I got a couple illustrations in there that I'm happy with and hopefully, this will be the start of me posting more. At least more often than every 3 years.

TL;DR 3 years went by. I'll try and do better.

More by Mike Rogers

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