Planet browse curated accommodation

Another shot from the Planet Shortlist view. This shows the empty state for the Accommodation section, inviting people to browse the properties and add their favorites to the Shortlist.

Planet brings all your travel world in one single app. You know those times when you'd like to check flight, hotel and airbnb prices for two different weekends? And you end up with 20 tabs open? We hope that with Planet frustrations like these (and many others that come with planning your trips) will be soon forgotten.

Planet is now live on the App Store and Play Store in private beta. We're relying on people's feedback to help us make booking trips a much better experience. If you want to contribute and have a taste of how we all might be travelling in the near future, request access and give Planet a try:

Posted on May 18, 2017
Stefan Manastirliu
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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