Faraday - VPNs made simple

Working on a concept for an app meant to make VPNs more accessible and understandable to everyone, something that is going to become especially relevant under Trump's administration among those who oppose him, oppose his policies, or wish to participate in social activism and organization online.

This is just the first pass at the connection screen, after the user has been introduced to the technology and basics of VPNs and onboarded. My hope is that I can design this app with levels of specificity that allow more advanced users to harness more powerful features, but keeps it simple for the average user until they need more advanced features. All the other VPN apps I've seen out there are targeted toward those not living in the US and their UX is just an inconsistent mess and they don't make themselves very accessible through the use of complicated language and multi-step interactions. I'm looking to target Americans in the age of American fascism and make VPNs more accessible through simplicity and directness.

Will post more screens as time goes on!

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Posted on Nov 24, 2016

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