Evening 08 - Visualising a Project as a Football Match

10 Problems Solved in 10 Evenings


Evening 08-The Problem…understanding other team members roles.
“The biggest challenge working in a company is understanding what people’s roles are, who does what and how does it affect the bigger picture.”


What if…
A project team was visualised like a football team. With every project team, each member brings something extra. The purpose of this idea is to visualise the team as a squad aiming to win a match by working together and defeating blockers which may get in the way. The core idea is to help people in a team understand each others role better.

This idea does open a whole can of worms raising questions such as how would it work in practice? how would it be maintained? how does it fit into the workflow? So it's safe to say this wireframe it is a very very early starting point.

Posted on Jul 2, 2016

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