Colombian Chocolate Packaging

OZO Coffee Roasters asked me to design this packaging for their new 85% dark chocolate bar, produced by DAR in Boulder, Colorado.

In addition to the custom pattern featuring cocoa pods, I also designed a new outline version of the OZO logo, and created a heavier weight of Futura Now's inline font style. The bar itself is quite small, so these details had to be precise!

As the packaging is opened, other branding elements are revealed, ensuring that the experience leaves a strong impression.

Shooting these photos with Matthew Tennison was a blast, and in a world of Ai and mockups, I'd highly recommend leveraging your local talent! Not only is the process of art directing a photoshoot really fun, but the resulting images have a real authenticity and "soul" to them.

Want to work together on a packaging project? Email me at!

Dan Lehman | QRS Creative
Expressive Branding, Illustration, & Packaging
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