Fitonist - App store cover images for the gym workout app

marketplace cover images for the fitness application

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Fitonist Hits the App Stores: Eye-Catching Creatives

We've already introduced you to the dynamic Fitonist logo and the comprehensive brand identity, laying the foundation for a powerful mobile app experience.

Now, get ready to see Fitonist come to life on the app store!

Showcasing Fitonist's Best Foot Forward

The app store cover image is a crucial element for attracting users. Outcrowd crafted eye-catching creative materials that perfectly capture the essence of the Fitonist brand.

app store cover images for the gym workout app

A Cohesive Brand Extension

These app store visuals are not just graphics; they're an extension of the Fitonist brand identity. They incorporate the established branding elements and style, ensuring a consistent and recognizable user experience.

The bright and dynamic app store creatives are designed to grab attention in a crowded marketplace. They effectively communicate the energy and motivation that Fitonist users can expect within the app.


Make sure your brand image won't get lost in the market noise.

With design and branding, Outcrowd helps to reveal the essence of your brand and transform it into a powerful force that excels in results.

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