[Tip] How to make the cool preloaders

Hey guys!

I'm excited to dive into something we often overlook but need to get right—preloaders. From my projects, I’ve seen how a preloader can either make or break a user's first impression. So, I thought, why not make it fun?

Quick Tip 💡:

Sync a key element from your preloader with your hero section and make it dynamic. Imagine a preloader that not only shows progress but also entertains.

It could be as simple as a playful animation or a clever piece of interactive design that transitions beautifully into the main content of your site.

Why does this matter?

Because a creative preloader can transform waiting time into an engaging experience, significantly lowering your site’s bounce rate.

Your users are more likely to stay if they’re entertained or intrigued from the very first second.

👀 Check out the video above where I walk you through these concepts. I’ll show you how these preloaders work in action and why they’re more than just pretty designs—they’re strategic tools for better user engagement.

✨ And if you’ve got any cool tips or tricks up your sleeve, hit me up in the comments!

✨ Also, let me know what you want me to cover in my next post. What are you curious about?

Posted on May 21, 2024
Kenny Ho
Welcome to my design portfolio on Dribbble

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