Candela Flower Cartons

Redefining Cannabis Flower Packaging

Project Objective: Develop a standout innovative packaging solution for Candela’s cannabis flower 1/8ths, moving away from the commonplace mylar bag to a design that ensures product freshness and structural integrity while capturing consumer attention in a competitive market.

Background: The cannabis market is inundated with mylar bags, which, although common, do not sufficiently protect the cannabis flower’s freshness or physical form. Recognizing the need for differentiation and enhanced product preservation, our design brief aimed to marry nostalgic elements with modern functionality.

Solution: Our agency introduced an innovative packaging concept using the nostalgic form of an old-school milk carton. This form factor is not only familiar and warmly received due to its associations with simplicity and reliability from school days, but it also significantly improves product visibility and protection.

Key Features:

  1. Nostalgic yet Functional Design: The milk carton design is robust, protecting the cannabis from being crushed and maintaining freshness longer than traditional mylar bags. This old-but-new packaging approach taps into the consumers’ nostalgia while addressing practical concerns in cannabis packaging.

  2. Strain-Specific Luggage Tags: Each package features a luggage tag-like label with vibrant, strain-specific artwork and essential details such as effects, smell, taste, and harvest dates. These tags not only serve as visual differentiators but also provide educational value, helping consumers make informed choices by anticipating the product’s characteristics.

  3. Candela Branded Jar Insert: Within the milk carton, a specially designed Candela branded jar offers an additional layer of protection, ensuring the product's quality and freshness. This double protection system highlights our commitment to product integrity and consumer satisfaction.

Outcome: The reimagined Candela packaging by Six Labs has successfully broken the mold of traditional cannabis packaging. By leveraging a universally recognized form factor and adapting it to a modern context, we’ve provided a solution that not only stands out visually in a crowded marketplace but also enhances the user experience through thoughtful design and educational elements. This project exemplifies innovative thinking in product packaging, turning everyday inspiration into a functional art form that appeals to both new and seasoned consumers.

Conclusion: The Candela project is a testament to how innovative design can transform a standard industry practice into a distinctive brand experience. By thinking outside the box—literally and figuratively—we have set a new standard in cannabis product packaging.

Idea Booth
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