PantrySoft Visual Rebrand

Putting the fresh in brand refresh. ๐Ÿ˜‰ This fictional visual rebrand is for a very real Montana-based SaaS company, PantrySoft. PantrySoft offers highly configurable inventory logistics and operation management solutions software to more than 700+ food pantries, food banks, and other frontline organizations worldwide. They have partnered with numerous non-profit and for-profit entities ranging from local church pantries to Universities to help them manage all aspects of their operations from inventory logistics to client intake and reporting. I challenged myself to design a vibrant and fresh visual identity for PantrySoft.

Logo Icon Inspiration

This logo icon is deeply enriched with meaning. I infused the organic and inorganic elements for a unique and highly differentiated symbol that's unlike anything their competitors are doing. When scaled down small to favicon size the icon still retains its signature geotag structure (especially when in one color).

Color Palette Inspiration

Inspired by the vibrant, welcoming, but still natural colors found in your local produce aisle, I set out to provide a color palette that would make audiences "hungry" for more. The color palette further ties in with the mission of many of PantrySoft's partners to nourish their local communities through healthy and accessible food.

Wanna Learn More?

Please feel free to check out more on PantrySoft on my website.

Elissa Stanick-Woods | Woodse Creative Co.
Building Award-Winning Bespoke Brands

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