Strava Redesign (Case Study)

Research Goal

I aim to pinpoint the frustrations individuals encounter when sharing their fitness tracking results within the Strava app.


Target Participant Characteristics

Age: 18-62

Hometown: Lives in metropolitan or suburban areas

Schedule: People who practice 3–4 times in a week

Gender: Include participants of different genders

Accessibility: Include participants with disabilities


Main Tasks & Challenges

1-Improve UX

2-Add new features

3-Update UI

Maximizing Enjoyment with Added Features

Dark Mode: To cater to athletes who prefer to exercise early in the morning or late at night when it's dark, we've introduced a dark mode feature. This will provide a more comfortable and enjoyable viewing experience in low-light conditions.

Messaging: Furthermore, we've integrated a messaging system within Strava to facilitate coordination and connection among users who enjoy exercising together. This will enable them to easily schedule their workouts and stay in touch.

On-Boarding: We've improved the onboarding process for new Strava users to ensure they get the most out of the platform from day one.


Style Guide

The Strava Style Guide acts as a blueprint, helping to maintain a cohesive and recognizable brand image, fostering trust among users and reinforcing Strava's identity in the competitive landscape.


One Click at a Time

Embrace the journey, celebrate every step, and savor each heartbeat—because in the rhythm of life, every step counts, and every beat matters

Final Design

Encapsulates the culmination of thoughtful design decisions, user feedback, and iterative refinement to create a polished, functional, and visually appealing version of the Strava platform ready for deployment.

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