Calligraphic Logo Design

  1. Logo Design 1 (Top Left in the First Image):

    • Color Scheme: This logo features a dominant dark color for the main text and a contrasting lighter color for accentuating certain elements.

    • Font Style: The name 'ABC Skip Bins Brisbane' is written in a sleek, flowing calligraphy. The font is modern yet elegant, providing a professional appearance.

    • Design Elements: The emphasis is on 'ABC', which is slightly larger and in a different color than the rest of the text, drawing attention and making it stand out.

  2. Logo Design 2 (Top Right in the First Image):

    • Color Scheme: A contrasting two-color scheme is used, with one color for the text and the other for the bin icon.

    • Font Style: The logo uses a bold, modern script that's simple and readable. The text accompanies a minimalist bin icon that symbolizes the business nature.

    • Design Elements: The bin icon is placed next to the text, creating a compact and cohesive look that is easily identifiable.

  3. Logo Design 3 (Bottom Left in the Second Image):

    • Color Scheme: This design employs two harmonious colors, one for the 'ABC' and the other for 'Skip Bins Brisbane', creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing look.

    • Font Style: The 'ABC' is in large, stylized letters, set above 'Skip Bins Brisbane' in a simpler, cleaner font. This contrast in font styles enhances readability and visual interest.

    • Design Elements: The layout places 'ABC' prominently at the top, making it the focal point of the logo.

  4. Logo Design 4 (Bottom Right in the Second Image):

    • Color Scheme: A two-color theme is utilized to differentiate the different parts of the text, maintaining a clean and modern appearance.

    • Font Style: A contemporary calligraphic style is used throughout, with creative text placement.

    • Design Elements: The text is arranged in a unique layout, where 'Skip Bins' is centered under 'ABC', and 'Brisbane' is placed elegantly below. This arrangement makes the logo visually interesting and dynamic.

Each logo design combines modern calligraphy with a two-color scheme to create a distinct and professional identity for "ABC Skip Bins Brisbane".

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Posted on Jan 22, 2024

More by Martin Allen

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