Destiny Sparrow Racing League Redesign (case study)


The Sparrow Racing League was a limited-time activity available to players of Bungie's Destiny in December 2015. Players could race on hoverbikes in tracks across the solar system. I have tasked myself with refining the already good looking SRL logo into something clean and in-line with Destiny's sleek sparrow bikes.

The Icon

The primary change -and challenge- presented by this redesign was the sparrow icon, being that it was already quite effective as an icon, I decided to keep the basic premise. Most of what I did was making the icon feel more elegant and bird-like, while also making it look less dainty.

The Text

Most of the changes to the text were in the form of making the S wider along with taking out the strange break in the S. I also rounded the corners more on all of the letterforms to make them look a bit sleeker.


The process of selecting colors for the design was as simple as possible... I used the colors that already existed in the old design. They already looked very nice so I didn't see any need to change them.

Use Cases

Here are some examples of ways a hypothetical real-life SRL could use this logo in marketing material.

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