TailTrails Dog Walking App - Case Study

Hello everyone! 👋

This project was created as part of Dribbble's Product Design Course. We were given instructions on how to build a comprehensive dog walking app from the ground up within a 12-week timeframe. We were guided by a series of weekly assignments, lessons, and mentor meetups to learn from. Let's explore what I was able to create!

User Research

In order to start, and design our app effectively, we had to look into our potential userbase, and find out what the user would expect out of a dog walking app through some User Research, through interviews and online sources. I found out that the biggest pain points were Trust and Reliability.

During the research phase, I found that many other dog walking apps have complicated user flows and don’t seem to focus on the user experience or on good communication between walker and owner aswell.

User flow

The next step was the user flow chart. The one I created, focuses on ease of use, listening to the users’ pain points from my interviews, If you’re unsure about making an account just yet, you can take a look around and see if you can find a walker that works for you, and only then you’ll be prompted to sign up to continue with booking.

Wireframing and Visual Design

I worked with some iterations of the wireframes with simple sketches, and then I moved over to Figma to finish them, making sure to focus on simplicity and modern elements.

I wanted TailTrails to feel friendly, both to walkers and owners, by using warm colors, and a simple yet modern design. So once I finished the wireframes, I made sure to fine tune the color palette, to make sure it wasn’t too bright, but not dark either, the right balance between energy and simplicity.

Prototyping and Testing

Prototyping was the next and last step to make sure TailTrails could work. It helped make sure the pain points were answered, and also helped discover any flaws that were either in the design or flow.

Making the prototype was by far the most fun part of the process. I enjoyed experimenting with smart animate to make sure things flow together nicely, and then I passed it over to some users for testing and review.

This step was also incredibly successful, with a lot of positive feedback, with no struggles from the users to find what they were looking for.

✨ Explore the prototype here! ✨

Final thoughts

Working on this project helped me learn a lot about the product design process. I’ve practiced Visual Design for some time, but I never tried building an entire app on my own until now, and it was a very satisfying journey. Here are my main takeaways:

  • I gained a lot of knowledge about solving users needs, and pain points.

  • I learned more about Figma and prototyping.

  • I learned a lot about user research and how important it is.

  • I grew as a designer.

I’m very excited to move on to future projects with all this knowledge and continue growing in the Product Design space! Thank you for reading about my journey!

Posted on Oct 23, 2023

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