Planet Animation using HTML CSS

I embarked on creating this mesmerizing planet animation with a blend of creativity and technical prowess.

  1. Conceptualization: I began by visualizing the movement and interaction between the Earth and the Moon, ensuring a balance between realism and artistic flair.

  2. HTML Structure: I structured the project using HTML, establishing the foundation for the animation. The Earth, Moon, and their orbits were defined as separate elements.

  3. CSS Styling: Leveraging CSS, I meticulously styled each element. I applied gradients and shadows to the planets for a lifelike appearance, and carefully adjusted dimensions and positions.

  4. Keyframes Animation: I employed CSS keyframes to orchestrate the motion. This involved specifying key points in the animation timeline and defining how elements would transition between them.

  5. Orbit Calculations: To simulate the elliptical orbits, I calculated and implemented precise CSS animations that replicated the celestial paths of both the Earth and the Moon.

  6. Responsive Design: I ensured the animation was responsive, adapting seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent and engaging user experience.

  7. Testing and Refinement: Rigorous testing was conducted across various browsers to guarantee compatibility. I fine-tuned parameters to iron out any discrepancies and enhance visual appeal.

  8. Optimization: I optimized the animation for performance, minimizing load times while retaining high-quality visuals, thus ensuring a smooth and immersive user experience.

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Posted on Oct 20, 2023

More by Aniket S.Bhadauaria

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