Interactive Fitness Dashboard (by following UX Principles)

I created a dashboard that help users track their fitness journey, access workout plans, and engage with a supportive community. Mainly I designed this by following some UX Principles. Here are they,

Law of Simplicity: I kept the dashboard clean and uncluttered. I used a minimalist color scheme and prioritized essential information such as progress, upcoming workouts, and notifications.

Fitts's Law: I ensured there was ample spacing between interactive elements to prevent accidental taps.

Law of Proximity: I grouped related elements together.

Law of Similarity: I used consistent visual elements for related content. For example, I employed the same icon style and color scheme throughout the dashboard.

Gestalt Principles: I leveraged the principle of Continuity to guide the user's eye through a timeline of their fitness journey.

Law of Simplicity: I prioritized essential information on the dashboard, such as the user's daily workout, next meal and a short Motivational quote. I kept the design minimal to avoid overwhelming the user.

Miller's Law: I presented workout data and statistics in digestible chunks.

Jakob's Law: I designed the layout in a way that's familiar to users of fitness apps, making it easy for them to find what they need without a steep learning curve.

Social Proof: I incorporated social features that allow users to share their achievements and progress with the community.

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