UI Components - Textarea and Rich Text Editor | Uzence


πŸ“πŸŽ¨ Exploring Textareas and Rich Text Editors! πŸŽ‰

Let's dive into the fascinating world of text areas and rich text editors, where words find their wings and stories take shape! πŸ“œβœ¨

πŸ”€ Types: Immerse yourself in variety! From fixed-size to auto-resizing, vertical and horizontal resizing, each type extends an invitation to users to express themselves in style.

πŸ“„ Shaping Stories with Textareas! πŸš€

✨ States: Witness their transformation! Hover, focus, and error states infuse life into textareas, fostering vivid and intuitive interactions.

πŸ”³ Shapes & Sizes: Sculpt your narratives! Choose from rectangles, rounded rectangles, or embrace custom shapes. Sizes span from small, medium to large, all tailored to your canvas.

πŸ–‹οΈ Additional Configurations: Refine the canvas! With or without labels, helper text, character counters, and required fields, textareas adapt seamlessly to every context.

πŸ“ Elevating Content Creation with Rich Text Editors! 🌌

πŸ“œ Basic Text: Play with font style, alignment, bullet and number lists, and more, laying the foundation for captivating text.

✍️ Advanced Text: Dive deeper with font family, size, case, and indentation options, breathing life into your narratives.

πŸ”— Hyperlinks: Seamlessly link to webpages, mentions (@), and hashtags, enriching your text with contextual depth.

πŸ“· Media: Elevate storytelling with images, videos, gifs, and files, infusing vibrancy into your words.

βš™οΈ Commands: Command your text journey with undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, and more, putting control in your hands.

πŸ“ Alignment: Precision is your ally! Align text horizontally and vertically, creating an impactful aesthetic.

πŸ“‹ Table: Organize seamlessly with customizable borders, sides, text wrapping, and directions, making information presentation effective.

πŸ› οΈ Advanced Tools: Elevate efficiency with spell check, accessibility, embedded code, signatures, graphs, and high-priority tags, amplifying your capabilities.

Stay tuned for more insights on other UI components of the Design System, as we unravel a world of seamless interactions and delightful user experiences! πŸš€

πŸ’– If you're loving this exploration, hit that 'Like' button and share your thoughts. Happy designing! 🎨✍️

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