Sf.shop - Mobile App Design


today I want to share my last project about an e-commerce application, in this case my task is to make the Cash On Delivery payment method feature.

this challange is make solution based on brief,

the brief :

"You act as a UI/UX designer who is involved in the team product that is developing an e-commerce mobile application. Product Manager assigns you to design several modules or page based on the Taskflow below with the aim of developing new features namely COD / pay on the spot"

after going through several stages such as empathize, user persona, Define the problems , and these are some solutions in my opinion based on these stages.

solution :

🧶Added the COD payment feature

🧶Added regulations and clear information regarding the COD system

🧶Added Approval and confirmation before using the COD system

🧶Added a transaction cancellation feature

i also trying to make prototype based on user flow. you can see the prototype in


feel free to give feedback

Thank You!😄

More by Ferdy Irwansyah

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