Link's Lunchables - Legend Of Zelda Recipes

I’ve been playing a lot of Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild lately and one of my favourite aspects of the game is cooking different meals. However, if you’ve played the game you’ll know that it’s not always obvious which ingredients can be combined to create different meals. I wanted to create this directory of recipes so you can make the most of your ingredients collected and craft more exciting meals. It’s tough out there for Link, he deserves some good food for the journey!

Main Objectives

For this project I wanted to explore the following areas:

  1. Often when travelling to new regions in the game you find new ingredients you may not have cooked with before so it was important for there to be a way to sort by ingredients and see what meals can be made using each ingredient.

  2. A space to showcase recipes based on how the meals assist you in the game. Certain foods fill your hearts a lot faster than others and others offer special benefits like extra stamina or resistance to heat and cold and much more!

  3. Lastly people should be able to search for recipes by the category of food they fall into for when you're preparing for long ventures or just want to experiment and have fun.

Explore Page

My goal with the explore page was to create categorised section for featured recipes based on different areas in the games. As an example recipes that increase electricity resistance to prepare for exploring Zora’s domain can be feature in a single post. The explore page also allows users to view recipes grouped by the special effects they offer.

Generating Images With Midjourney

For the landing screen I wanted to create a striking visual using Midjourney. It took a few different prompts to get the style I was looking for but I think the image works well for the landing screen. Finding a version of Link that didn't look too creepy was quite a challenge too and getting hands right is still a struggle for AI 😂 It was fun incorporating AI in to my workflow for this project. Below you can see some of the images generated using different prompts.

Alternative Naming

I played around with the name Hyrule Hapjes too but it felt a bit niche. In The Netherlands "Hapjes" is the term for a variety of snack foods which actually works quite well for the contents of the app. I liked the alliteration of Hyrule Hapjes but it felt a bit too specific to the Netherlands so I decided to go with Link’s Lunchables instead.

More by Danielle Smit

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