Solidum Website Design

Throwback! Design that won the contest for Solidum Interior Center’s new website back in 2010.

Featuring interactive map with layout of the interior center and the locations of all of the stores inside.

In addition to the map, there's also a magazine section with articles and tips on interior design, as well as information about sales and promotions happening at the center.

Finally, a database of all the stores inside the interior center, complete with information about what products and services each store offers. This makes it easy for the user to find exactly what they're looking for and plan their shopping trip.

As the designer and front-end developer of the website, I was responsible for creating the overall look and feel of the site, ensuring that the website was easy to use. The back-end of the website was handled by a web development company and their custom CMS, which was used to manage the content and functionality of the website.

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