IsoPoly Tribute / Blender Animation Nodes Test

I have really been enjoying the animated GIF works of designer friend @marcus martinez up on my skills in Python to accomplish such a task - but then I came across a review for the Blender Animation Nodes addon over the weekend. What's this? No need to navigate the complex and sometimes obscure hierarchy of Blender's Python API? Interactive and real-time feedback on a continually animating scene when I change values in a node network? No more complex and awkward driver setup where it's hard just to navigate between individual animated properties? YES PLEASE!



The badass who designed the system, Jacques Lucke, was making my dream of node based object instancing and animation control possible with this addon. It was a little bit unstable and behaved a little bit strangely in a few ways I could not have expected until after I had wrapped my mind around its implementation of the object list looping concept - but in just a single evening of focus, I was able to learn the tool well enough to produce this fun little system of objects. I would highly recommend this plugin to anyone who already loves node based workflows and knows a little bit of trigonometry. Just make sure to save your work frequently while incrementing your blend file's version number, and learn how to use Blender's "Recover Auto Save" feature. ;)

I hope that by exposing this addon to more users, we'll increase the likelihood of getting this addon, or something very similar to it, developed to a point of stability, bundled with the software and enabled by default. This kind of power should be at everyone's fingertips.

You can see an overview of the node setup that I created this scene with at the Imgur gallery here:

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