Beauty Product Details Page

Hey Dribbblers!

Safe synthetics are okay, natural is better and organic is best!

This is a product details page for Cinzel, an organic skincare and beauty line. This product details screen is very easy-to-use with all the details at the user's fingertips.


Download file link here


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Here are the specifics:

Colours - 

MSU Green (#13423D) - Used as Primary Colour

Pale Goldenrod (# DDF2A2) - Used as Primary colour White Chocolate (# EBE4D4) - Used as Background colour

White (#FFFFFF) - Used as Accent colour

Chinese Black (#111111) - Used as Text colour


Cinzel (Regular)

Inter (Regular)

Sackers Gothic AT (Regular)


All images are used from Unsplash

Our Designer says - The brand is based on three principles: beauty, luxury, and nature, and the colors, typography, and elements are carefully selected to reflect this to the user at first glance. Effective visual design instils trust by conveying the brand name and mission through imagery and color.

I hope you enjoy exploring this shot.

Don't forget to press "<3" and comment.

Thanks :)

More by Nickelfox - UI/UX Design

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