iPhone interface redesign - incoming call while on a call

I saw a post about how confusing the incoming-call-while-on-a-call interface is on iphone [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ENx3ZWeUwAAsWp4?format=jpg&name=900x900], I thought it seemed like a good design challenge.

Some of my thoughts about this redesign:

I considered a green accept/pick-up icon on the left, possibly with an arrow from Aaron. It seems to make sense to have an accept icon, but I chose not to include this because there is so much information to deal with already, and when people are making this decision it is often stressful because they feel time is a big factor. The call coming in is time sensitive and the call you are on might well be time sensitive.

So you just need to reduce it to the most important decision, which in my mind is "who do I want to reject?".

The problem with having accept is that there are then two decisions to consider: 1, who do I want to reject, and 2, who do I want to accept. As well as what do I do with each of them, voicemail? hold and pick up? end and pick up? which one is for who??? Much easier to reduce this to the important outcome.

I thought 'End Katie' sounded a bit comical. However, 'Hang-up Katie' seemed to me to be too cumbersome, and complicated the decision. 'End Katie' is much clearer. And, I don't think it's a bad thing that user's might see the humor every time they are faced with this interface...

Would be interested to hear what you think about this.

More by Christopher Fuentes

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