Houzecheck Booking Webapp 2.0

I had the chance to redesign the Houzecheck.com's Booking platform to help them enable online booking. Houzecheck is a Home valuation and survey provider based in the UK.


The project revolved around designing the online ordering platform for the Houzecheck services. Since they do currently most of the current business over the phone. It was very vital for the company to automate some processes and decrease the burden on the salespeople to acquire new customers. The online ordering platform focused mainly on converting the paid traffic to paying customers.

Focus areas

From initial assessments and understanding of the project, the problems which needed to address were converting paid traffic to paying customers, helping people understand what service they should choose or buy and how to complete the booking process online.

Final Designs

Thanks for taking the time to go through it.

Read more here: https://www.sandeep.design/works/houzecheck-website-redesign

Product Designer and No-Code Developer

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