ŌURA iOS widgets and watchOS complications 💍

The best of the bunch, but still not good enough...

As an avid gym goer I've tried a number of different wearables to track my workouts, sleep and recovery. Think Garmin, Whoop, Apple Watch and FitBit - I've tried them all.

In my experience, the ŌURA ring is the most accurate for measuring sleep and readiness (a metric often calculated using a combination of heart rate varience, respiritory rate and resting heart rate measurements taken during deep sleep stages).

In fact it's so accurate F1 teams, like Redbull and Ferrari, use it to maximise their performance.

Sounds great. So what's the deal?

Well, like most great hardware companies their software is fairly lackluster. The UI is a bit clunky and their iOS app doesn't support some pretty basic things like widgets or watchOS complications.

So here's a few things from a long list of features and improvements that I wish ŌURA would add to improve the overall experience.

More by Will Green

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