Tokenhype - NFT marketplace app

Hey good people 👋

Here's the case study I mentioned last week - meet Tokenhype. An NFT marketplace that is easy to use and understand.

The task here was to shape the product and create a set of design concepts for the mobile app. The challenge was to create something that would feel fun to use for users that may not be that familiar with the crypto scene. Our research showed that the target demographic would need some handholding when it comes to crypto and NFTs in particular, and the route we went for here had to be somewhat stripped from the complexities a lot of our competitive set had.


As always, thanks for taking a look and don't forget to press that `L` if you liked my little case study ❤️

Preparation and research

After doing the initial competitive set research, and user interviews and surveys, I compiled a user persona that best represented our target demographic.

Based on that I created the first set of sketches, and we started testing them out.

Visual design

As the sketches passed the testing phase, it was time to put some pizzazz to all of the screens.

The main takeaway here was that people felt confused and scared to get into the NFT world. But with careful and unintimidating presentation I think we accomplished a great result. More testing is to follow and we'll see where that gets us in the future.

Nikolay Lechev
Full-stack designer.

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