Holy Week Saturday | Burial Preparation

"Their friend, their teacher, their walking hope was nailed down and executed by the state—by of the leaders of their faith as a dirty criminal. His blood escaped His body through every exit wound, a spring of passing life cutting crimson streams across His flesh onto the wood until it pooled in the rock below.

There is a silencing confusion that follows injustice. The trauma endured is the kind of horror and sadness that inescapably projects itself on the back of your eyelids. You’d rather stay awake all night in order to keep out the pain that comes when you try to sleep. There is no rest in the chest of these friends. This Sabbath is a day of mourning, of confusion, of diverted eyes and dashed hopes—for He was the King—and now He’s dead still in the rich man’s tomb.

Tomorrow brings the terrible and needed duty of giving dignity to the dead by preparing His body for what is to come."

(Excerpt by Mason King, The Village Church)

Erin Campbell
illustrator + art director in TX

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