Creative Bullseye

I was listening to the newest Creative Pep Talk podcast about finding your creative sensibilities and it struck a bullseye in me... and in the authentic @andyjpizza fashion the idea for this illustration came to me in the bathtub 😌


what is your creative bullseye? what are inspirations so deeply embedded in you? that strike a HUGE cord? that TRULY make you FEEL powerful things. that DEEPLY inspire you to get out of bed in the morning? that make you SUPER certain that your purpose on Earth is being fulfilled? THAT is the type of creative work we all should aspire to! 💥


if you look closer (swipe to take a closer look) - the lion character (which is me, in a sense, because they are my main spirit animal) has five tattoos... an animal who each possess extraordinary skills with their senses 🖐👁 👅👃🦻for instance - on his arm there's an eagle for their superior eyesight, BUT did you know - catfish have a very strong sense of taste? 🐟 OR that manatees have a tremendous sense of touch? 🙀


I'm STOKED to develop my senses into extraordinary continue to break down what most DEEPLY resonates with me and the many WHYs... find these and unearth my TRUEST and most REWARDING creative guidelines for myself... 🙌


thanks Andy J Pizza for the inspiration, as always 🍕🙂✌️

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