After months of procrastination

I've just launched my very own blog! I'll be writing things, and making things, and posting things. I filled it with a few back catalog posts, and wrote two new ones! Check out my first editorial, and second tutorial.

Oh, and resize your webkit browser for some hidden css3 niceties that were masterfully written to resemble the work of an amateur.

P.S. The slowness is caused by godaddy. They insist on delivering HTTP by turtle.

Edit: Godaddy is working on the problem, but MediaTemple is looking oh so nice right now.

Edit: I should have had them on this shit a long time ago, cause now they've almost completely broken my site.

FINAL EDIT: Things are far faster and no more godaddy caused php errors. Phew. That blew.

More by Morgan Allan Knutson

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