Journey Maps and why they are so important

Journey maps are a common UX tool. They come in all shapes, sizes, and formats. Depending on the context, they can be used in a variety of ways. This article covers the basics: what a journey map is (and is not), related terminology, common variations, and how we can use journey maps.
Here we are showing various methodologies and how it can truly help the product. Every release should be contributing to one or more of these objectives such as

- Data-Driven Decision
Optimize Current budget ( I am spending my money correctly )
How to ask for more money, I need more one and how to communicate that across the board or stakeholders.

- Identify
Test specific concerns
Find certain weaknesses
Reduce Attack Risk

- Objective Evaluation
How invest and what to invest in
Does the product/platform do what we promised?
Generate a Signal to catch specific tool's efficacy

- Optimize
Decide what product to invest in
Generate a Signal to catch specific tool's efficacy

- Validate
Optimize Current budget
How to ask for more money, I need more one and how to communicate that across the board or stakeholders.

- Visibility
Test Specific Concerns
Find weakness
Reduce Attack risk

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More by Art Tawangar

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