Online Customer Support Portal Redesign

The Online Customer Support Portal (OCS) was outdated in design and functionality. As the greater eBay website was moving towards a new "Web 2.0" style, the portal was one of the first projects that was able to be redesigned

A clean redesign and enhancement of the current online support portal that could be adapted for different functionalities and preferences and requirements of different countries where eBay hosted a site

When I came into the project, most of the brainstorming of what needed to be included on the site had been done. I had been brought in to focus on how to implement designing for the existing content that had been decided

We believe users who have ready access to self service tools will be more proned to use them to complete their customer service inquiries

We believe a cleaner and more streamlined design will reduce users clicking on wrong areas of inquiry

. Communication was the hardest part of this project. I had stakeholders in 5 timezones and 3 countries and it was tough to get everyone on the same page in the beginning because I didn't know how to communicate effectively with such a distributed team. Designing something that had to work in many different languages, with many different needs was the hardest part of this project

We took a more holistic approach to the design. Instead of designing end to end flows, we took the approach of building components which could be pieced together in ways that each country could use in the way they saw fit to address their unique needs

More by Catherine Hicks

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