Emondo colors

What a time to be alive, right? We just witnessed the world, as we know it, turn upside down. In such times of uncertainty, you face the “sink or swim” momentum – you either give up or you give your best. The tireless Emondo design team decided it was time to make it count.

So here we are, bringing you something that we do, but with a different spin. A digital magazine on one of our favorite topics – Colors! However, it's explained through our own branding!

This magazine was intended to be delightful and educational at the same time, with a carefully selected dose of interactivity – we can do more, but it would be illegal 😉

Jump in on the fun, and take a look at what we spun – here. 🌈🌈

Also, feel free to visit us at www.emondodesign.com! 🎨

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