Personal Visual Identity

I'm pulling the trigger on this one.

This last season of my life was unlike any other I experienced before. Bearing the title of "fresh graduate" definitely didn't make it easy for me as a designer to advertise myself, but it was a deeply humbling and shaping experience as it forced me to define purpose and direction in my work. I've also grown to appreciate the value of slow, ordinary, but uniquely human activities and crafts. As an effect of that, activities such as traditional calligraphy, slow walks, making a cup of coffee, journaling, meditation and prayer, reading, and meaningful conversation nowadays form the highlight of my days.

My new visual identity is meant to represent that and more. The type, inspired by the silhouette of handwritten roman capitals, makes a subtle reference to my national origins and exudes nostalgia. Alongside it, the visual mark shows a child curiously pointing to the North star. My intention was to communicate curiosity, honesty, and a love for anything timeless.

With still awaiting a revamp, I'm happy to share the new visual identity for my little studio.

More by Marcus Tiplea

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