Dark Mode E-Book App — Exploration Design

Hello Dribbblers!🏀

This is my first try designing a dark mode user interface design and using this 19.5:9 ratio for the frame🤩

This exploration design is all about an E-Book reading application named "Readify" (just like Spotify or Shopify😋).

Anyway, in the book details page (2nd screen) shows a Boolean magazine, which is a magazine about current happening technology issues and daily campus life in Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. Created by my team and I when I was in Media Bureau of BEM Fasilkom UI 2019 (Executive Student Council). Kindly take a look further about it in https://bem.cs.ui.ac.id/boolean or read directly via issuu https://issuu.com/bemfasilkomui

Thank you! If you like it, leave a like and also follow me!😁

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