Chord-sheet infused banner image for Song Notes

Was working on a profile image for – and figured I'd share it here! Been a few years. For context, my ongoing Song Notes project (started in 2012) has started to embrace print-friendly chord sheet PDFs, in addition to the videos I'm making on YouTube. Realizing I really need to update a lot of my visual branding (merchandising, specifically) to showcase these chord sheets, as I think they stand apart compared to what a lot of competitors are offering in the space.

For an example of how I'm falling short, I'd point you to my website – where you'll notice there's not a single visual showcase of these PDFs on the entire site. Oof! I'll be fixing this soon, and this banner actually is a huge shot-in-the-arm first step.

Posted on Apr 3, 2020

More by David Potsiadlo

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