REPLICA: MADE-SELF | Digital Artwork

Collection "REPLICA: DISEASES" second layer. Reflections, replications and replications of the self.
Specular, reflective selves of one.
And this, is only one-on-bunch of them. Because, again, no thing grows up alone, although it's self-made, and this one just starts to blossom and explode.

Only on MakersPlace. Original artwork is .gif:

"REPLICA: DISEASES" is a collection of 34+ artworks divided in four layers: MADE-SELF, REPLICA, FOUR LITTLE BASTARDS and DEGENERATE BASTARDS. This is only one-on-bunch of them. Each one represents the other. Each one generates, degenerates and regenerates the other. Each one, a REPLICA, self-made.

More by Nicolás V. Villarreal

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