A Behance Case study for an Oldie but Goodie — National Geographic City Guides iOS App
Apologies about the GIF being so fast. Ran into size limitations o...
Hey all,
Playing with a possible city guides menu update coming this fall. Moving away from a bar at the bottom (iOS7 conflict with control center). Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
Download the app here
The universal update for the City Guides app actually launched a couple weeks ago, but I figured I would post a quick screen capture for other folks who haven't downloaded it or can't. For the most part, the iPad version is pretty simila...
This is a slightly older version of the did you know section on the iPad. The look and feel is the same though.
*Download the iPhone app*: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/city-guides-by-national-geographic/id592453480?ls=1&mt=8
Another interaction we are re-working is the context menu in City Guides for the universal build. This is a motion test of what is currently being developed.
*Download the iPhone app*: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/city-guides-by-nati...
Aside from working on the iPad / Universal build of City Guides, we're also making a couple of interaction updates. One of these is how the main screen flow works. We want to update the main screen flow so that in the future, when more c...
Just wanted to share some of the older iterations of the buy screens for City Guides. Check out the attachments.
*Download the iPhone app*: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/city-guides-by-national-geographic/id592453480?ls=1&mt=8
Here is a Secret detail page on the iPad.
*Download the iPhone app*: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/city-guides-by-national-geographic/id592453480?ls=1&mt=8