Steam Product Page Redesign - UI/UX focus

July 23, 2018

I wanted to redesign the Steam UI with the user in mind - this time, a Steam store game detail page, or essentially the 'product page'. The current product page is very information-focused and doesn't 'sell' the game visually. User expe...

Steam Library Redesign - UI/UX focus

January 22, 2018

I wanted to redesign the Steam UI with the user in mind - this time, the Steam Library / Game page. The original game page is a bit bland and uninspiring. I turned it into more of a 'dashboard' design where you can see how far you have ...

Steam Store Redesign - UI/UX focus

January 21, 2018

I wanted to redesign the Steam UI with the user in mind. Once I started wireframing the site I noticed just how cluttered and information-overloaded it is! There are so many ways to get to the same content which I find confusing and a ...