Google Drive Redesign

November 14, 2018

Hey again! Here is a redesigned Google Drive interface continuing on with the newer, cleaner style seen on the Gmail concept I created last week! I wanted to tidy up the drop shadows and iconography a lot more with this one... Cheers! :)

Gmail Redesign

November 07, 2018

Hey all! Here is a redesign for the main Gmail dashboard - I'm going to try and add a few shots to a collection on here to show how modern trends can influence Google's design presence. Cheers! :)

Google Dark Theme

August 28, 2018

It's been a crazy month! Took some time to go Mountain Biking, relax and explore a few places in order to unwind and reflect on the year, but decided now is the time to jump straight back into it! This is a dark UI for the Google results...